The Christian Civics Blog
Loving God with all our mind, when what’s on our mind is politics.
Why Abandon Culture War
Christians must adopt a new posture to steward politics faithfully.
A Meditation for Lent
For Christians, Lent is typically a season of reflection, repentance and preparation. Pastor Charles Drew shares how we can prepare our hearts for mission and worship during this particular Lent at this particular time in our country's life.
Does Your Faith Make You Distinct? (Podcast Interview Follow-Up)
Our two-party, either-or framework has a tendency to infect the way we think about government and civic life, but it doesn't have to. There's room to be different.
The Difference Between Theocracy and Influence
The theocrat in us all tries to force change. The influencer tries to make change attractive: he befriends and looks for common cause, he persuades by teaching and example.