Confessing Violence

This prayer was offered by Lisa Rodriguez-Watson as part of our July 17 prayer call confronting political violence. You can sign up for future calls at the bottom of this page.

God of all Creation, of all Eternity, and of each of us,

You hear the cries of your people and tonight we come before you. Listen to our prayers. Incline your ear as we raise our voices.

Hear our cries of confession and lament for the ways we have been complicit in the suffering of others. Your word reminds us that we are blessed when we are peacemakers. Forgive us for forsaking that blessing in exchange for comfort, ease, or vengeance.

In your mercy, forgive us.

We confess that we have misrepresented you by turning our backs on the violence that exists in our cities, as if it only matters when it impacts us directly. You who made peace by entering our violent world, forgive us for our distance, our apathy, and for seeking retributive justice instead of restorative justice.

In your mercy, forgive us.

We lament the grievous ruptures in our political process, especially as they filter into our communities of faith, seeking to divide and cause us to see as “other” those who are family. We mimic dominating forms of power rather than the humble, divesting ways of the all-powerful Jesus we worship. We know you are a God of justice, love, peace, and unity. We confess our failure to represent you as such to the world around us.

In your mercy, forgive us.

We come to you now grieving because of what we have done and what we have left undone. Some of us are carrying the grief of truly seeing one of these issues for the very first time. Let us not look away from what we have seen and heard. In our lament, we choose to not forget what has stirred within our hearts, minds and souls that draws us into this prayer of confession.

Some of us have carried a different sort of grief since our earliest days, as these issues are deeply personal and are not distant statistics or stories. Draw near to us with your comfort, O God. In our sorrow, help us to remain open hearted to You, and forgiving of those who are just beginning to see and grieve.

Have mercy on us O God, according to your unfailing love.

According to your great compassion, blot out our transgressions.

In our confession and repentance, we open ourselves to your transformation. We stand in the shadow of the cross of Christ that brings forgiveness and liberation.

It is in the power and name of Jesus, through the love of God the Father, by the presence and advocacy of the Holy Spirit that we implore you to bring beauty from ashes.

You are able, God of Creation, God of Eternity, and God of all of us.

To you be the glory, honor, and power forevermore.


Lisa Rodriguez-Watson is the National Director of Missio Alliance, a national leadership network and resource hub that cultivates conversation around some of the most pressing issues facing the church in North America today. For nearly two decades, she has served as an urban church planter, collegiate minister, seminary professor, international missionary and community development practitioner. Her heart to see people reconciled to God and to one another has led her to invest her life, family and ministry in places and people that have often been looked over by the world.

Lisa Rodriguez-Watson

Lisa Rodriguez-Watson is the National Director of Missio Alliance, a national leadership network and resource hub that cultivates conversation around some of the most pressing issues facing the church in North America today. For nearly two decades, she has served as an urban church planter, collegiate minister, seminary professor, international missionary and community development practitioner. Her heart to see people reconciled to God and to one another has led her to invest her life, family and ministry in places and people that have often been looked over by the world.


Praying for Our Effect on a Violent Culture


Praying for Targets of Political Violence