Christian Civics, OneHeart DC on Good News for the City

The COVID-19 pandemic is quickly reshaping what it means to be salt and light to the world around us. As church leaders scramble to figure out how to provide community, pastoral care and practical support in an era of social distancing, many believers are finding themselves overwhelmed by new needs. Whether we are trying to figure out how to navigate this new terrain ourselves or how to help the people around us get their bearings, Christians in the US are being called to more than we ever have been before.

We have been honored to work with our friends at OneHeart DC and the Together Generation to quickly launch some new initiatives to help our brothers and sisters in the church get the support we need to bless our neighbors during this crisis.

As the Caring Connections Knowledge Base launched, our executive driector had a chance to discuss these initiatives on the radio show Good News for the City

You can listen to the episode at the above link, and learn more about these initiatives on the One Heart DC website.


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